The Palestine Detainees Study Center quoted lawyer Rami al-Alamy stating that the Prison Administration at the Be’er As-Sabe’ (Beersheba) Israeli Prison had to move all hunger striking Palestinian detainees to the Soroka Medical Center due to contaminated water.Amina Tawil, media spokeswoman of the Center, stated that a doctor at the hospital said the detainees drank contaminated water that directly affected them, especially due to their ongoing hunger strike.

She added that the Israeli Prison Authority refused to provide the detainees the detainees with distilled bottled water, as a punishment for continuing their strike demanding an end to their illegitimate Administrative Detention, without charges or trial.

Tawil said that detainees were given contaminated water, with high concentration of salt, an issue that landed them in hospital.

The detainees said they would stop drinking water should the Prison Authority deny their legitimate demands, and affirmed their strike continues despite their illness, weakness and the significant weight loss.

The lawyer demanded international, legal and human rights groups, to establish special committees that would pressure Israel into ending its violations and abuse, and to oblige Tel Aviv to end its illegitimate, arbitrary policy of Administrative Detention.

140 administrative detainees started their open-ended hunger strike 29 days ago, and were joined by more than 150 detainees, demanding Israel to abide by International Law, the Fourth Geneva Convention, and all related human rights treaties.