Palestinian Minister of Detainees, Issa Qaraqe’, stated that the number of hunger striking Palestinian detainees held by Israel reached over 350 detainees in different Israeli prisons, and that dozens of detainees were hospitalized but are still ongoing with their strike.Qaraqe’ said that, right now, at least 350 detainees are striking, and that the coming days will witness thousands of detainees joining this trike, especially amidst the ongoing Israeli violations and abuse.

He said various detainees were moved to a number of Israeli hospitals, as some even lost consciousness and others developed very serious health complications.

“Israel’s Prison Authority is escalating its violations, its threats and abuse against the detainees.” the minister said. “Many detainees could die at any given moment, but Israel seems to be set on committing a calculated crime against them.”

He urged local, regional and international human rights groups and institutions to act and pressure Israel into halting its violations and crimes before it is too late, adding that the plight and suffering of the detainees should become an international humanitarian issue.

His statements came at protest tents in the northern West Bank city of Nablus, and in the central West Bank city of Tubas, where he joined dozens of families of Palestinian detainees and hundreds of other Palestinians in their ongoing solidarity activities with the striking detainees.

Hundreds of Palestinians marched carrying torches, Palestinian flags and pictures of political prisoners, chanting slogans and demanding an end to Israel’s illegitimate occupation, the release of Administrative Detainees, held without charges or trial, and thousands of other detainees held in different Israeli prisons, detention camps and interrogation centers.

Leaders and activists of various national and Islamic Palestinian factions are also participating in these solidarity activities, holding strikes and protests in various areas, including the entrances of Red Cross offices, demanding the international community to oblige Israel to abide by International Law.