In the West Bank, fierce clashes broke out late Friday and early Saturday, between Israeli troops and young Palestinian men who had been protesting the military offensive in Gaza.In Ramallah, central West Bank, Palestinian protesters blocked, with rocks, the road to an Israeli military base near the northern town of Sinjel, Ma’an further reports. Protestors then clashed with Israeli troops who met them with teargas, rubber-coated bullets and stun grenades.

The young men, in turn, responded with stones, gas bombs and fireworks.

Dozens of young Palestinian men attacked an Israeli military post, Saturday, in the village of Kafr Malik, Tal al-Asour, north of Ramallah, where they threw Molotov cocktails and fireworks at the post, setting it on fire.

Soldiers responded with rubber-coated bullets and teargas canisters, as they tried to put out the fire.

On Friday evening, hundreds of young Palestinian men near Qalandiya checkpoint, between Ramallah and Jerusalem, demonstrated as well, hurling Molotov cocktails at a watchtower near the checkpoint, also setting it on fire.

A Ma’an reporter confirmed that many were hit by rubber-coated bullets and live gunshots.

In the southern West Bank, north of Hebron, four young Palestinians were injured by rubber-coated bullets during clashes with Israeli troops, after midnight, in al-Arrub refugee camp.

Witnesses reported that an Israeli ambulance evacuated an Israeli soldier from the area. The soldier appeared to have sustained burns following another burning incident at the watchtower.

Hundreds of protestors rallied in al-Fawwar refugee camp and in Hebron city.

In the camp, dozens of protesters attacked Israeli troops who were at the main entrance, throwing rocks and empty bottles. The soldiers responded with rubber-coated bullets and teargas.

In Hebron, following late evening prayers at the al-Hussein Mosque, worshipers demonstrated at the city center, condemning Arab countries and the international community for their continuing silence and calling for revenge over the Israeli assault on Gaza.

Fahmi Shahin, senior leader of the Palestinian People’s Party in Hebron told Ma’an News Agency that the rally had been organized by Palestinian political factions in the district.

Clashes also broke out in Beit Ummar, north of Hebron, in the neighborhood of Asida, where soldiers fired rubber-coated bullets and teargas canisters on protesters, hitting one young man with a rubber-coated bullet, while several others suffered teargas inhalation. Young Palestinians pelted Israeli troops with stones.

In Bethlehem, a young Palestinian man was hit by live ammunition during clashes near Rachel’s Tomb. Several demonstrators were treated for teargas inhalation.

Related: 9 Injured in Bethlehem Clashes

In the villages of Anata, Abu Dis and Shufat, in occupied East Jerusalem, young Palestinians threw stones, empty bottles and Molotov cocktails at Israeli soldiers, on Friday night. According to witnesses, the soldiers were unable exit their vehicles. In Abu Dis, a military transport vehicle was hit with several Molotov cocktails.

Palestinians suffered from teargas inhalation and some were hit by rubber-coated bullets.

In Shufat refugee camp, spokesman for the Fatah movement Thaer al-Fasfous said that clashes broke out near an Israeli military checkpoint at the main entrance of the camp.

Furthermore, in the northern West Bank city of Qalqiliya, dozens of worshipers also rallied after late evening prayers, moving towards an Israeli checkpoint north of the city, where they clashed with Israeli troops who also fired on them with teargas and rubber-coated bullets.