Ongoing ceasefire talks are beginning to take shape, Cairo sources told Ma’an. However, several outstanding issues need to be addressed in order to establish a permanent truce.Palestinian sources close to the talks apparently said, on Tuesday, that six points have been agreed upon, while five further points have yet to be resolved.

Israel, it seems, has agreed to increase the daily number of supply trucks crossing into Gaza from 250 to 600, the sources said. Israel has also agreed to allow transfer of funds from the PA to Gaza administration, in order to cover the salaries of former Hamas civil servants.

The question of an expanded designated fishing zone would potentially be answered by gradually increasing the area to 12 nautical miles, with some 500 monthly permits to be issued, allowing Gazans to use the Erez crossing.

Note: Under the Oslo accords of the mid-nineties, the Palestinians are supposed to be allowed to fish within 20 nautical miles off the Gaza shore, but Tel Aviv has constantly violated the agreement.

As part of the ceasefire agreement of November 2012, Israel agreed to allow the Palestinians to fish within six nautical miles, but unilaterally decreased the allotted area to three miles.

Furthermore, Egypt has agreed to open Rafah crossing in coordination with PA security, ultimately forming a 1000-strong presence on the crossing, as well as other Gaza borders.

According to Ma’an, sources say that Israel has also agreed to release the fourth and final group of pre-Oslo prisoners.

For links to relevant info, see:

The issues still on the table are in regard to Palestinian demands for an official airport and seaport in Gaza. Israel has reportedly suggested postponement of the issue of an airport until final negotiations, but stipulated that ‘international actors should prepare plans for how a seaport would operate’.

No progress has been made on the issue of demilitarization of the region or a safe passage between the West Bank and Gaza, Ma’an News Agency has further reported.