The UN Security Council, yesterday, expressed ‘grave concern’ over the resumption of “hostilities” in Gaza, and called upon parties to resume negotiations to urgently reach a ‘sustainable and lasting ceasefire,’ according to Reuters.
The council adopted a statement, WAFA reports – with all 15 members voting in favor – stressing its full support to the so-called ‘Egyptian initiative’ and calling upon parties to prevent the situation from escalating and to reach an immediate humanitarian ceasefire,’ said British UN Ambassador Mark Grant, president of the council for August.

The statement was, according to diplomats, a prelude for issuing a UN resolution in the case that parties do not return to Cairo for talks.

Just before the latest ceasefire collapsed, Haaretz reported that, according to senior Israeli officials, if Egyptian efforts to secure a long-term cease-fire should fail, Western powers are likely to push for a UN Security Council resolution which would call for an end to the fighting.

Egypt has backed Israeli in its crippling blockade against the Gaza Strip since President Morsi’s ousting in July of 2007, and the country’s efforts to coordinate peace in the region have been criticized as illegitimate from the start.

See — 07/26/14 Hamas: No Official Stance on Egyptian Initiative

Just following a series of Israeli airstrikes which killed at least 22 Palestinians over the course of the day, Al-Qassam Brigades spokesman Abu Ubaida announced, via telecast, that Israel had ‘failed’ in its assault on the Gaza Strip, and called upon the Palestinian negotiating team in Cairo to return home.

Tel Aviv has been in a state of high security alert since Abu Ubaida warned international airplanes not to use Ben Gurion Airport, on Wednesday, also warning Israelis against gathering in large numbers, as the al-Qassam Brigades intended to renew rocket fire on Israel.

Member of Fatah’s Central Committee and head of the Palestinian delegation for truce talks in Cairo, Azzam Al-Ahmad, has said that Palestinian demands are clear and non-negotiable.

They are in, in fact, line with the Oslo Accords, which Israel has continuously violated since the 2006 democratic election of the Hamas party, which it continues to brand as a terrorist organization.