12 leaders from the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine were abducted by Israeli forces during the night, on Monday.Zahi Khatatba and Ahmad al-Haj Muhammad Abu al-Nimr were taken from the Israeli-occupied Nablus town of Furik. Youssef Abd al-Haq Abu Shaddad, Kamal Ibrahim Abu Tharifa and Moussa Salama were arrested in Nablus.

Amjad Hamayil, age 37, was taken from his house in Beta during a raid.

In Jenin, Israeli forces seized Muhammad al-Zugheibi, Fadaa al-Zugheibi, Abdullah al-Afif, Jaafar Abu Salah and Alam Sami Masad, while Mustafa Orabi Nakhla, or ‘Abu Wadee’, was kidnapped from al-Jalazun refugee camp, in northern Ramallah.

One week ago, a senior official from the party was issued an order by Israel to leave Ramallah, according to Ma’an News Agency. The details of the kidnapped members’ whereabouts was not given.

Khalida Jarrar told Ma’an that dozens of soldiers raided her home in Ramallah, last week, upon which they delivered to her an Israeli court order to deport, to Jericho, for an unspecified length of time.

According to Khalida, the order was in Hebrew and she refused to sign it. She was also provided a map for her movement inside Jericho, Ma’an further reports.

She added that she understood the raid to be a form of house arrest, and that she was given 24 hours to leave Ramallah, for Jericho.

The West Bank, East Jerusalem and the Gaza Strip have been occupied by Israel since 1967, a move which was never recognized by the International Community.