Israeli forces have shot and injured several young Palestinians, this Friday, in the occupied West Bank and Gaza Strip, including a cameraman. In southern Gaza, 17-year-old Alaa Mousa was injured following the explosion of a leftover Israeli missile.According to Ma’an, Ministry of Health spokesman Ashraf al-Qidra said that two men in their twenties suffered moderate injuries after being shot in the legs by Israeli soldiers, east of Jabalia.

The men were taken to Kamal Adwan hospital, in Beit Lahiya, for treatment.

An Israeli army spokeswoman said that around 70 Palestinians had approached the security fence when Israeli forces began firing warning shots, rubber bullets and tear gas to disperse them.

On Nov. 23, Fadel Mohammad Halawa, aged 32, was shot dead by Israeli forces east of Jabalia.

Witnesses said that he was hunting birds, while Israeli forces claimed that they opened fire at two men after they approached the separation barrier.

Also in Gaza, on Friday, Alaa Mousa, 17, was injured after the explosion of a leftover Israeli missile ordnance.

Gaza media sources reported an explosion happened near the beach, in Rafah, and cost Mousa part of his leg.

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Furthermore, according to the PNN, in the latest Israeli military aggression on Gaza, Israeli soldiers dropped numerous explosive devices which didn’t explode, at the time, but have been causing many severe injuries and deaths to oblivious Palestinians ever since.

In related news, an Israeli settler opened fire at Palestinian citizens on Wednesday evening near the village of ‘Beitillu’ northwest of Ramallah; two Palestinians were injured.

Local sources said the injured were taken to Palestine Medical Complex for treatment. They were identified as Ahmed Zeyada and Thabet Bazar.

According to the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, there were at least 399 incidents of settler violence against Palestinians in the occupied West Bank in the year 2013 alone.

Over 500,000 Israeli settlers live in settlements across the West Bank and occupied East Jerusalem, in direct contravention of international law.

The roots of the Israel-Palestine conflict date back to 1917, when the British government, in the now-famous Balfour Declaration, called for “the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people”.

The Israeli military regime, at the time, occupied East Jerusalem and the West Bank during the 1967 Middle East War.

Israel later annexed Jerusalem in 1980, claiming it for capital of the self-proclaimed Zionist state, in a move never recognized by the international community.

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This past Thursday night, through Friday, Israeli police forces performed a series of break ins and arrests in Jerusalem.

Media sources reported that Israeli forces. on Thursday night, arrested Palestinians Anan Obeid and Ali Nasri after they broke into their houses in Al-Issawiyeh and the downtown.

The Israeli military also broke into other Palestinian houses in Shu’fat Camp and Al-Issawiyeh, and kidnapped a number of Palestinian youngsters.

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A Palestinian journalist was shot in the leg by Israeli forces, on Friday, while covering clashes in the Qalqiliya village of Kafr Qaddum, according to Ma’an.

Bashar Nazzal, a cameraman with Palestine TV, was hit in the leg by live fire, the bullet reportedly having shattered the bone in his leg, and was taken to a local hospital for treatment.

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