Israeli settlers continued to launch attacks against Palestinians and their property across the West Bank and Jerusalem, on Wednesday, according to local sources.WAFA correspondence reports that Israeli settlers attacked a number of Palestinian workers while they were present at the eastern entrance of the village of Marah Rabah, to the south of Bethlehem.

The workers were on their way to their place of employment, at a nearby marble and stone factory, according to village mayor Ahmad Sheikh.

He said that the workers escaped as the settlers chased them down into nearby olive fields.

Mr. Sheikh said settler assaults have increased during recent months, and that such assaults are in most cases protected by the Israeli army.

See: Settlement Expansion Continues Across West Bank

Settler Invasions at Al Aqsa Mosque Continue, Coalition Planning Chanukah Raid

Settlers, meanwhile, set fire to a fodder factory in the village of Beita, to the south of Nablus, causing partial damages, according to Gassan Daghlas, who monitors settlement activities in the West Bank.

In Jerusalem, settlers invaded the neighborhood of Silwan and set fire to a Palestinian-owned car, completely burning it before fleeing the scene.

Witnesses said that, a few minutes later, an Israeli police unit arrived and registered the incident against ‘an unknown party’, despite the presence of many surveillance cameras in the area.

Earlier last night, two Jewish extremists reportedly attacked a Palestinian bus driver in the city.

Police sources said two settlers were riding a motorbike when they attempted to collide with the bus, hitting it from the side with the aim of causing it to crash and, when they failed, proceeded to pelt the bus with stones, smashing sections of glass.

Settler attacks against Palestinians have been on the rise recently.

Jerusalem and the West Bank settlements are illegal under international law, yet their numbers have increased significantly due to Israel’s unabated policy of settlement expansion, despite worldwide international condemnations.

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