The Palestinian Authority (P.A.) has officially decided to file an application to the United Nations Security Council, demanding a resolution to end the Israeli occupation of Palestine, and a clear time-frame for Israel’s withdrawal from all of the Palestinian territories in captured following the 1967 June war, including occupied East Jerusalem.The P.A. said it would be submitting the resolution following the Tuesday meeting between US Secretary of State John Kerry and European Union Foreign Ministers.

The Palestinian leadership issued a statement, on Sunday at night, following a meeting with President Mahmoud Abbas in Ramallah, affirming the decision, and tasked the Executive Committee of the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) and different P.A institutions, to affirm the Palestinian stances, and moves.

It also decided to reconsider its relations with Israel, including security coordination, and all ties that could jeopardize the Palestinian legitimate rights of liberation and independence.

It called for speeding the formation of an independent international investigation committee to hold Israel accountable for killing Palestinian Minister Ziad Abu Ein, and called for advancing all sorts of nonviolent activities against Israel’s occupation, and its illegitimate colonies in occupied Palestine, including Jerusalem.

Meanwhile, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu vowed to foil any international resolution calling for ending the occupation of all territories Israel captured following the 1967 six-day war.

Netanyahu said he will be holding a meeting with Kerry in Italy, and told his government that he would ask Kerry to reject, and veto, any international resolution in this regard, and dubbed the Palestinian move as “unilateral.’ He also vowed to ‘retaliate’ to the Palestinian moves.