A Jewish settler opened fire on dozens of Palestinians, on Friday, who were holding a march in protest of the Israeli occupation and its settlement policies in the West Bank, in the village of al-Masara, near Bethlehem.Organizers from the local Popular Committees Against the Wall and Settlements said that the settler opened fire on the marchers, but no injuries were reported as a result of the attack, according to Ma’an News Agency.

The weekly rally took place near a major road also used by Jewish settlers, as the village of al-Masara is surrounded by illegal Israeli settlements; large amounts of village lands, here, have been confiscated by Israeli authorities.

Israeli forces arrived on the scene later, dispersing demonstrators with tear gas.

Ma’an further reports that, since 2006, residents of al-Masara have protested on a weekly basis, in demand of the return village lands which were confiscated in order to build the separation wall, as it crosses through their town.