Palestinian medical sources have reported, on Tuesday evening, that a teen was shot and injured by a live Israeli army around, and six others were shot by rubber-coated metal bullets, at the western entrance of Silwad town, east of the central West Bank city of Ramallah.The sources said that a 19-year-old was moved to the Palestine Medical Center suffering a gunshot injury, while six others were shot by rubber-coated metal bullets, and dozens suffered the effects of tear gas inhalation.

Local sources said the army fired rounds of live ammunition, rubber-coated metal bullets, in addition to a number of concussion grenades, and gas bombs.

Silwad has been subject to daily invasions and clashes, especially since last week, due to continued military presence at the main entrance of the town.

The soldiers also repeatedly install roadblocks, stopping and searching hundreds of cars, and interrogate the residents while inspecting their ID cards.