Israeli forces, on Tuesday, handed out notices regarding the approved demolition of 30 Palestinian-owned structures in al-Dir, a locale to the east of Ein al-Bayda, in the Jordan Valley.An official within the popular resistance community, Khaled Mansour, said that an Israeli special unit, backed by a large military force, raided the locale and handed residents demolition notices for 30 structures, including residential sheds, animal barns, and fodder storage units.

The notices gave the residents until February 16 to appeal the decision, according to WAFA correspondence.

Residents of the locale depend on farming and grazing livestock for a living; some of the homes there were built before the Israeli occupation in 1967. However, attempts by the Israeli occupation to take over the area has not ceased since then.

The Palestinian population, there, is subject to extremely hard living conditions; their homes are constantly demolished, in addition to the imposition of restrictions on movement and denial of access to fields in order to graze their livestock.

Mansour called upon all relevant sides to support these residents and stand by their side, in the face of the Israeli systematic ethnic cleansing and displacement attempts.

Earlier on Tuesday, Israeli army forces delivered four evacuation notices in Khirbet al-Dair, north of the Jordan Valley in order to demolish a number of homes which were allegedly built without obtaining the necessary legal permits.

Meanwhile, Israeli forces have demolished a well owned by Palestinians and used to collect rain water in the town of Halhoul, to the north of Hebron.

The Jordan Valley is part of Area C of the West Bank, under complete Israeli control, where Israel rarely issues construction permits for Palestinians, prompting them to embark upon construction without a permit.

See also:
01/20/15 Further Israeli Demolitions in South Hebron Hills