Dozens of Israeli soldiers stormed the “Jerusalem Gate” protest tent village in Khallet ar-Raheb area, east of Abu Dis town, near occupied Jerusalem, removed the tents, and confiscated property.Dozens of soldiers, and undercover units, stormed the protest village after completely isolating it, and violently assaulted the activists before forcing them away, and removed the tents.

Coordinator of the Popular Resistance Committee against the Wall and Settlements, Abdullah Abu Rahma, said the soldiers confiscated chairs, food supplies and equipment.

Abu Rahma added that the soldiers brought military bulldozers and trucks, and chased several nonviolent activists.

The soldiers also fired gas bombs and concussion grenades at the nonviolent activists, and the residents of Abu Dis and el-‘Ezariyya towns, in addition to residents of Bedouin communities that Israel wants to displace.

The protest village, composed of three tents, was installed to protest Israel’s plan to remove the al-Jahalin Bedouin tribe, in occupied East Jerusalem, and Israel’s ongoing illegal policies of building and expanding its illegal colonies in different parts of occupied Palestine, including occupied Jerusalem.

Spokesperson of the Popular Resistance Committee, Hani Halabiyya, said the activists will rebuild the village within hours, despite the Israeli aggression and assaults.

Soldiers To Demolish “Jerusalem Gate” Protest Tent Village, East Of Jerusalem