A United Nations spokesman has announced that UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon has appointed Nickolay Mladenov, from Bulgaria, as the top Mideast envoy, replacing Robert Serry.UN spokesman Farhan Haqq stated to the press that Mladenov, who has occupied the position of top envoy in Iraq since August of 2013, was Bulgaria’s foreign minister from 2012 to 2013. He is also known for his work within the international banking sphere.

PNN further reports that, according to officials and diplomats in the United Nations, the identity of Mladenov’s successor as top envoy in Iraq is still unknown.

Serry, a veteran Dutch diplomat, has been the UN’s special coordinator for the Middle East peace process and Ban’s personal representative to the Palestinian Authority since November 2007. He is also the Secretary-General’s envoy to the so-called Quartet of Middle East mediators.

See also: ‘John Kerry’