Clashes took place, Sunday, near the al-Jalazonerefugee camp, and Silwad town, in the central West Bank district of Ramallah, after dozens of soldiers invaded the area, and surrounded it, before trying to ambush local youths who hurled stones at them, and managed to detonate an explosive near the soldiers.The Palestine TV said some youths, in the al-Jalazoun, managed to reach close to two Israeli soldiers, before a protester hurled a homemade explosive at them.

The soldiers then ran away to different direction, while a stone, hurled by a local youth, struck one soldiers in his left arm.

Army sharpshooters then took positions and fired rounds of live ammunition, wounding several Palestinians who were moved to the Palestine Medical Center in Ramallah.
The wounded Palestinians suffered moderate-to-severe injuries, in their upper body parts.

A local doctor said one of the wounded suffered a very serious injury after being shot in the upper-right part of his chest, and was instantly moved to surgery, before being transferred to the Intensive Care Unit.

In Silwad, clashes also took place between dozens of local youths and invading Israeli soldiers, before the youths managed to surround three soldiers near some homes, after the soldiers invaded them.

After three hours of clashes, two more soldiers tried to reach the home, but were met by dozens of protesters, and ran away dropping some gas bombs while trying to escape.
The youths then hurled the gas bombs on the soldiers, forcing them to retreat to a greater distance.

The clashes lasted for more than three hours, before more soldiers arrived at the scene, and secured the retreat of the soldiers.