Israeli soldiers, stationed across the border fence, fired on Monday morning rounds of live ammunition at Palestinian homes, and farmlands, east of Khan Younis, in the southern part of the Gaza Strip.The Palestinian News & Info Agency (WAFA) has reported that the soldiers, stationed on military towers across the border, east of Khuza’a town to the east of Khan Younis, fired smoke bombs and a number of live rounds, causing property damage.

WAFA added that the farmers fled their lands following the shooting; no injuries were reported.

The army frequently attacks farmers and workers, in Palestinian lands and areas close to the border fence in the northern and eastern parts of the coastal region, and prevents them from entering their lands.

Israeli Navy ships also frequently attack Palestinian fishing boats in Gaza territorial waters, and even while docked on shore.

Besides property damage, the attacks repeatedly led to casualties and arrests of the fishers, in addition to confiscating their boats.

On Saturday at dawn, Israeli navy ships opened fire on a number of fishing boats in Palestinian waters, in the Sudaniyya Sea area, northwest of Gaza City.

On Saturday, March 7, a Palestinian fisher was killed by Israeli Navy fire in Gaza territorial waters, and two others were kidnapped.

Israeli Navy Opens Fire On Palestinian Fishing Boats In Gaza Waters

Two Fishers Shot, Four Kidnapped In Gaza Waters