Dozens of Israeli military vehicles invaded, Thursday, various towns in the northern West Bank district of Jenin, searched homes and installed roadblocks. Many residents, including schoolchildren, suffer the effects of tear gas inhalation in Fahma nearby village.Media sources said the soldiers installed roadblocks near ‘Arraba and Kufur Ra’ey towns, before invading them, and chased several Palestinians; no arrests were reported.

Medial sources in Fahma village, south of Jenin, said scores of residents, including children, suffered the effects of tear gas inhalation, especially after the soldiers stormed the local High School for Boys.

The soldiers fired gas bombs, concussion grenades and rubber-coated metal bullets during clashes that took place after the soldiers stormed the school, and various neighborhoods in the town.

In addition, soldiers invaded the homes of ‘Atef Ghaleb Abu Bakr, Mansour Yousef Abu Bakr and M0hammad Yousef Abu Bakr, in Ya’bad nearby town, and searched them while interrogating the families.

The army also invaded the Zababda town, south of Jenin, and stormed the home of ‘Abed Mohammad Sharqawi, searching for his son.

Eyewitnesses said the soldiers have been heavily deployed near several villages and towns, near Jenin, since early morning hours, Thursday, while a number of armored vehicles were seen patrolling the area.

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