The Palestinian Journalists Syndicate has reported Saturday, that Israeli soldiers used excessive force against journalists marking World Press Freedom Day in Bethlehem, injuring the Syndicate’s head, and a member of its general assembly.The journalists were marching ahead of the World Press Freedom day, celebrated every year on May 3, demanding an end to all violations, and crimes, against the media and journalists, and against the Palestinian people.

The two wounded journalists have been identified as Abdul-Nasser Najjar, the head of the Palestinian Journalists Syndicate, and its general assembly member Mohammad Lahham. The two were injured in their legs by Israeli concussion grenades.

The syndicate said the soldiers used excessive force against the journalists as they marched towards the northern entrance of Bethlehem, close to military roadblock #300.

The army also fired several gas bombs and concussion grenades, causing many Palestinians to suffer the effects of tear gas inhalation.

Najjar told the Radio Bethlehem 2000 that, by attacking journalists celebrating World Press Freedom Day, Israel is yet again showing the entire world it implements a systematic policy attempting to silence the media that exposes its daily crimes and violations.

“Despite all violations, all crimes, we have the duty and moral responsibility to expose all violations and crimes,” Najjar said, “We will ensure the huge file on Israeli violations reaches all related international and legal organizations.”