via the International Solidarity Movement (ISM):

‘We, Palestinians struggling against Israeli Apartheid, stand in solidarity with the residents of Baltimore…’We send our condolences to the family of Freddie Gray and all those murdered in police custody. We add our voices to the demand that the killers be held accountable. We send our solidarity to the families of the prisoners. Those arrested for demanding justice, for being black, brown or poor. We add our voices to the demand for their immediate and unconditional release. We stand in solidarity with those whose homes have been foreclosed, with those who live under the constant watch of surveillance cameras and under the constant threat of being stopped, harassed, arrested and assaulted by a militarized police force in their own streets.

Your struggle for justice, equality and freedom is our struggle.

In solidarity,
University Teachers’ Association – Gaza

Palestinian Students’ Campaign for the Academic Boycott of Israel (PSCABI)

Bader Campaign for the Boycott of Israeli Goods

Herak Youth Center

One Democratic State Group (ODSG)

Youth Against Settlements (YAS)

The Popular Struggle Coordination Committee (PSCC)

The popular committee of Bil’in against the wall and settlements

The popular committee of Ni’lin

The Jordan Valley Solidarity Campaign (JVS)

Palestine Youth for Peace and Justice (Palyouth)’

Also from ISM: (VIDEO) Four Years Ago We Lost Vik