Despite Israeli restrictions, extensive military deployment around Palestinian neighborhoods in occupied East Jerusalem, thousands marched, late on Wednesday at night, in the funeral procession of ‘Omran Omar Abu Dheim, 41, who was killed by police fire on Wednesday morning.The Israeli police initially refused to transfer the body of the slain Palestinian to his family, and insisted that the funeral procession should not contain more than 20 participants; the family refused the Israeli demands.

Mohammad Mahmoud, one of the lawyers of the Ad-Dameer Prisoners Support and Human Rights Association, said that the Israeli Authorities eventually informed him that they would transfer the body of the slain Palestinian to his family between 11 at night and midnight.

The Israeli preconditions, and extensive military and police deployment around Palestinian communities in occupied Jerusalem, failed in preventing thousands of Jerusalemite Palestinians from marching in the funeral procession, carrying flags and chanting against the Israeli occupation.

Following the fatal shooting of Abu Ghneim, clashes took place in different parts of occupied Jerusalem, lasting all day long until evening hours, while scores of residents have been injured, including at least eleven in Jabal Al-Mokabber and Jabal az-Zeitoun (The Mount Of Olives).

The police claimed the Palestinian deliberately rammed his car into police officers, wounding two, before he was shot dead, while Palestinian eyewitnesses said the incident was a traffic accident, and not a deliberate attack.

The family also said that Abu Dheim had no political affiliation, or any interest in political factions and issues. He is a married father of five children; Rasha, 14, Hamza, 11, Raghad, 9, Hala, 6, and Mohammad, 14 months of age. He was planning to take his family on a trip to Turkey after the school year is done.