A large military force invaded Biddu village (northwest of Jerusalem) on Thursday evening to attack the home of a Palestinian who allegedly rammed Israeli soldiers deliberately with his car, and was then shot by an Israeli soldier. Palestinian witnesses confirm the incident was just an accident.Israeli media sources said three soldiers were wounded in the incident that took place near Sinjel village, on the Ramallah-Nablus road.

One of the wounded soldiers suffered a life-threatening injury, while the second suffered a moderate-to-severe injury and the third was mildly wounded.

Clashes took place between the invading soldiers and dozens of Palestinians near the home of the driver, Raed Mohammad Badwan, 46 years of age.

After the accident, the soldiers shot the driver with several live rounds, causing serious injuries, before he was moved to an Israeli hospital.

At least 25 military vehicles invaded Biddo, violently searched the home of the wounded driver, causing excessive damage, and interrogated his family.

The invasion led to clashes between the soldiers and dozens of local youths who hurled stones and empty bottles on them; the army fired gas bombs, rubber-coated metal bullets and rounds of live ammunition.

Both Hamas and the Islamic Jihad movement issued statements said the incident ‘was a heroic attack,’ and that “the occupation and its army must pay a high price for their terrorism against the Palestinians, especially the children, in addition to all attacks against Palestinian lands, property and holy sites.”

Initial Israeli investigations into the ramming incident reported that the Palestinian driver was driving a Honda Civic that carries an Israeli license plate, while the police say they believe the vehicle is a stolen car that had Israeli license plates forged on it.

After the terrorist Israeli firebomb attack on the Dawabsha family home in Douma village, near Ramallah, a week ago, resulting in the burning to death of a Palestinian baby, identified as Ali Dawabsha, 18 months of age, Israeli security and military officials say they believe Palestinian groups would step-up their attacks against Israeli targets.

Dawabsha’s parents remain in a very critical condition, while an improvement has been noticed in his little brother, who suffered burns in his legs.

18-Month-Old Baby Burnt To Death As Jewish Israeli Terrorists Attack Palestinian Home Near Nablus

One Year in ICU for Burned Child’s Family