Israeli soldiers invaded, on Wednesday, the town of Husan, west of the West Bank city of Bethlehem, and kidnapped eleven Palestinians after invading, and violently searching their homes.Media sources in Bethlehem said the soldiers kidnapped Mohammad Rafat Hamamra, 20, Rayyan Eyad Hamamra, 20, Mohammad Jamil Sabateen, 20, Omar Majed Hamamra, 20, Mohammad Hasan Hamamra, 19, Saqer Ibrahim Hamamra, 22, his brother Mohammad, 20, Ghassan Mohammad Hamamra, 20, Amir Mohammad Za’oul, Meras Mohammad Sabateen, and Mahmoud Hamamra.

The sources said the army also invaded various areas in Bethlehem city, and clashed with scores of Palestinians, including in the Manger Square area in the heart of Bethlehem.

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