Israeli soldiers invaded, earlier on Friday, the Rashayda village, east of the West bank city of Bethlehem, and kidnapped one Palestinian.Head of the Rashayda Village Council, Fawwaz Rashayda, said the soldiers invaded the tent of a local shepherd, identified as Mohammad Rashayda, in a grazing area, east of the village, and kidnapped his son Ahmad, 20 years of age.

The soldiers cuffed and blindfolded the kidnapped Palestinian, and took him to the Etzion military base.

On Thursday evening, a young Palestinian man was seriously injured by army fire, during clashes near Bilal Bin Rabah mosque, at the northern entrance of Bethlehem city.

In addition, medical sources in the northern West bank district of Nablus have reported that the Palestinian, who was shot and seriously wounded by army fire, near Beit Forik village east of Nablus, has been as Ahmad Ezzat Khatatba, 26 years of age.

Palestinian medics moved the wounded man to the Rafidia Hospital in Nablus.

The army claimed the wounded Palestinian, and his friend. hurled a Molotov cocktail at an Israeli settlers’ car, and that the soldiers arrested his friend.