Israeli soldiers invaded, on Friday at dawn, several Palestinian communities in the occupied West Bank, kidnapped three Palestinians, and injured one.Media sources in the northern West Bank city of Nablus said the soldiers invaded the city, and searched several homes, before kidnapping one Palestinian identified as Samed Abdullah, from an-Nasr area, in the Old City of Nablus.

The soldiers searched and ransacked several homes, causing damage, and interrogated many residents while searching their properties.

In addition, one Palestinian, identified as Fathi Qutub, was shot with a rubber-coated steel bullet in the chest and a live round in his arm, after the soldiers opened fire while storming his property, in Nablus. He was moved to the Rafidia Hospital.

Moreover, several military vehicles invaded Ya’bad town, southwest of the northern West Bank city of Jenin, also searched and ransacked homes, and kidnapped a Palestinian identified as Ashraf Mohammad al-Keelani, 27 years of age.

In Bethlehem, several army vehicles invaded the ‘Aida refugee camp north of the city, and kidnapped a young man, identified as Hazem Adel Abu ‘Aker, 21 years of age.