Three Palestinian resistance fighters exchanged fire, on Friday evening, with dozens of Israeli soldiers invading Silwad town, east of the central West Bank city of Ramallah.Eyewitnesses said the three fighters exchanged fire with the invading army forces for nearly 30 minutes, while dozens of additional soldiers poured into town following the clashes.

The army also brought a military ambulance into the town, during the clashes, and prevented journalists from entering Silwad after completely sealing it.

The soldiers also surrounded a family from the town, while picking their olive orchard, and opened fire towards them. The family was allowed to leave several hours later.

Many Palestinians also suffered the effects of tear gas inhalation during clashes between local youths and the soldiers.

The youths hurled stones and empty bottles on the invading soldiers, while the army fired rounds of live ammunition, rubber-coated steel bullets, gas bombs and concussion grenades.

In addition, soldiers invaded several homes, searched them and occupied their rooftops.

The army also placed sand hills on the main road leading to Palestinian villages northeast of Ramallah.

The villages are Silwad, al-Mazra’a ash-Sharqiyya, Deir Jarir, Deir Debwan, Kafr Malik, at-Taybeh, and all nearby Bedouin communities.

Also Friday, soldiers kidnapped three Palestinians in Silwad, assaulted one of them causing various injuries, and prevented Palestinian medics from reaching him.

5 Palestinians Killed, 300 Injured by Israeli Army Fire Friday’