Representative of Detained Palestinian children in Ofer Israeli prison, Abdul-Fattah Doula, said the Israeli army has transferred more than 138 children to the detention center in October, and that 48 of the kidnapped children have been beaten and tortured by the soldiers and interrogators.Doula added that six of the imprisoned children were shot with live Israeli army fire prior to their abduction, and require constant medical attention and treatment, in addition to six children who suffer with various illnesses.

The children were beaten and tortured, resulting in various cuts and bruises, especially after the soldiers struck them with their batons and rifles on several parts of their bodies.

In addition, 71 of the detained children, 13 to 17 years of age, were kidnapped from their homes, during late-night and early dawn hours.

The Palestinian Detainees’ Committee said the children have no change of clothes, are not provided with winter blankets, and are held under dire conditions unfit even for adults.

Head of the Detainees’ Committee Issa Qaraqe said the soldiers have kidnapped 800 Palestinian children in October, and that most of them are from occupied Jerusalem.

Qaraqe’ added that the level of abductions of children is the highest since many years, as Israeli soldiers would usually annually kidnap 700-900 children, comparing to the 800 children kidnapped in October alone.

He added that Israel deliberately targets children as they ‘represent the future of Palestine, and the continuation of the struggle against its illegal and criminal occupation of Palestine.’

The Detainees’ Committee provided the following list of names of detainees who have been severely beaten during their arrest, and tortured during interrogation:

1. Hamad Nadi Mohammad Gharbiyya, from Kafr Ni’ma – Ramallah.
2. Qais Mahdi Mohammad Hayek, from Jericho.
3. Ayham Marwan Naim Syouri, from Hebron.
4. Hasan Daoud Rajabi, from Hebron.
5. Rami Sa’id As’ad Minshar, from Hebron.
6. Fadi Mohammad Ali, from Ramallah.
7. Mahammad Mahmoud Omar Eshtiyya, from Kafr Ni’ma – Ramallah.
8. Anas Jamal Ahmad Abu Sharar, from Doura – Hebron.
9. Mahmoud Khalil Ahmad Abu Mfarreh, Teqoua’ – Bethlehem.
10. Ahmad Khaled Ahmad Awwad, al-Biereh – Ramallah.
11. Mahmoud Ali Abed Sabah, Teqoua’ – Bethlehem.
12. Mohammad Thiab Ali Sabah, Teqoua’ – Bethlehem.
13. Salam Adel Ahmad Qar’an, al-Biereh – Ramallah.
14. Mohammad Jouda Kathem Abu ‘Amro, Hebron.
15. Hamza Ayman Mohammad Naim, Beith Ummar – Hebron.
16. Adham Adnan Farhan Qar’an, al-Biereh – Ramallah.
17. Majdi Isamel Mohammad Salah, Bethlehem.
18. Ibrahim Jamil Salama Abu Seif – Qalandia – Ramallah.
19. Ahmad Salah Marwan Ahmad, Jericho.
20. Qussai Ibrahim Masalma, Beit ‘Awwa – Hebron.
21. Mohyeddin Ahmad ‘Amoud, Teqoua’ – Bethlehem.
22. Hussein Mahmoud Hussein Sleibi, Beit Ummar – Hebron.
23. Hamza Nader Azmi Abu Hlayyel, Doura – Hebron.
24. Waseem Taha Mohammad Abu Mariya, Beit Ummar – Hebron.
25. Bassel Jamal Mohammad Bragheeth, Beit Ummar – Hebron.
26. Adnan Soheil Khaled Kawamla, al-‘Arroub – Hebron.
27. Khalil Mohammad Fares Qattash – Aqbat Jabr – Jericho.
28. Sultan Jad Mahmoud Hijazi – Ramallah.
29. Abdul-Rahim Mohammad Hameeda, Ramallah.
30. Omar Hussein Mahmoud al-Heeh, Surif – Hebron.
31. Naseem Taha Mohammad Abu Mariya, Beit Ummar – Hebron.
32. Tareq Nasser Hilmy Abu Ayyash, Beit Ummar – Hebron.
33. Mohammad Issa Zama’ra, Halhoul – Hebron.
34. Anas Jamal Abu Sharar, Doura – Hebron.
35. Bilal Ziad Ahmad Khatib, Yatta – Hebron.
36. Mo’men Rateb Mahmoud Awadallah – Teqoua’, Bethlehem.
37. Haroun Rashid Abdul-Ghani al-Karaki, Hebron.
38. Mohammad Anwar Mohammad Shreitih, Ramallah.
39. Ahmad Tareq Mohammad Abu Lateefa, Qalandia – Ramallah.
40. Sultan Mofeed Abu Halal, Abu Dis – Jerusalem.
41. Waseem Waleed Saher Rajabi – Hebron.
42. Laith Abdul-Karim Mahmoud Rayyan, Beit Duqqu – Jerusalem.
43. Mo’tasem Salman Sharawna, Doura – Hebron.
44. Nasser Abu Seif – Jericho.
45. Ameed Rajeh al-Kteifi – Jericho.
46. Mustafa Nael Omar Tal, al-Jalazone– Ramallah.
47. ‘Awni Jalal Ahmad Salah, Abu Dis – Jerusalem.
48. Yazan Radi Yousef Qazzar, Doura – Hebron.