Two Israelis were reported killed and two injured, on Thursday, in a stabbing attack in southern Tel Aviv, according to Israeli police and medics.Israeli police spokesperson, Luba al-Samri, said that a stabbing attack took place inside of the Panorama building, on Ben Tsavi street in the city, leaving a 20-year-old Israeli dead at the scene.

An Israeli who was critically injured died shortly after in Tel Aviv’s Ichelov hospital, al-Samri said, according to Ma’an News Agency.

Two others were moderately wounded during the attack, said Israeli emergency services Magen David Adom.

Israeli police said that the suspect attempted to enter a synagogue inside the building, but was stopped by civilians.

Two different suspects are believed to have stabbed the Israelis, one of whom was a Palestinian from Dura who was captured by Israeli civilians, the police spokesperson said.

Locals identified the attacker as Raed Mohammad Jabara al-Masalma, from Beit Awwa village, west of Hebron.

The police detained the suspect, who was moderately injured when the forces arrived to the scene, al-Samri added.

Another suspect reportedly fled the scene, according to witnesses, al-Samri said, adding that the incident was ‘under investigation’.

Israeli media reported that the Palestinian suspect received a permit to enter Israel a month ago.

A series of attacks have been carried out by Palestinian individuals on Israeli military and civilians since the beginning of last month, leaving at least 15 Israelis dead.

See also: Shooting in Gush Etzion: 1 Palestinian, 2 Israelis Killed; Palestinian Death Toll Rises to 91