Israeli soldiers have kidnapped three Palestinians in the northern West Bank city of Tulkarem, and two Palestinians, including a child, in the West Bank district of Bethlehem.Dozens of Israeli military vehicles invaded, on Thursday at dawn, Tulkarem city, searched and ransacked many homes, and kidnapped three Palestinians, identified as Issa Omar Odah, 24, Omar Mustafa Odah, and Waseem Mahmoud Abdul-Karim, 21.

The army conducted searches of various homes, and property, and interrogated many Palestinians.

In Bethlehem, the soldiers kidnapped Issa Nasser Shouka, 19, from the Saff Street, in the center of the city, after breaking into his family’s home and searching it.

Late on Wednesday at night, the soldiers kidnapped a child, identified as Mohammad Raed Hamamra, from Husan town west of Bethlehem, while walking near Nahhalin nearby village.

Earlier on Thursday, the soldiers invaded Hebron city in the southern part of the occupied West Bank, and several nearby towns, searched many homes and kidnapped ten Palestinians, including one woman.