The name of the town of Bani Naim originates from an Arab tribe that had settled in the area centuries ago. The town is located approximately 8 km southeast of Hebron, the largest city in the West Bank. Bani Naim is a mountainous area – approximately 1,000 m above sea level. As tradition says Abraham witnessed the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah from this mountainous region. According to historians, Bani Naim is where Abraham’s nephew, Lot, is buried.Today, Bani Naim has a growing population of approximately 26,000. It is a commercial center for the villages in the surrounding area. It hosts various factories mainly for stone-cutting and textiles, an olive press, metal and carpentry workshops, and merchandizing / trading accounts for 50% of the locals’ livelihood and incomes. Bani Naim also hosts several educational and social services for the public, such as a library, a youth club which offers recreational activities for young people all year round as well as summer camps, women’s associations which train in handicrafts, health and nutrition awareness and the Palestinian Red Crescent offers medical and psychological support for those in need.

There are quite a few historical and touristic sites that one can visit in Beni Naim. The most popular is the mosque named after Lot, whose burial place is said to be under the mosque. Lot’s Mosque features Islamic architecture and domes dating back to the Mumluk period. There are remnants of three Roman palaces which can be explored.

Bani Naim also offers warm homestays as accommodation for the visitor. As in the tradition of Abraham and Lot, travelers are always welcomed with the utmost hospitality. The visitor has a choice of homestays where a family can host up to ten persons. The traveler will be welcomed by each member, and sometimes even the extended members of the family, to share homemade authentic Palestinian meals, and to experience intercultural exchanges by sharing stories about everyday life, customs, traditions, etc.
For those interested in architecture and applying your knowledge in renovation and rehabilitation of buildings, Bani Naim has a lot to offer! Shrines, ancient palaces, historic buildings, old city roads.

Register now for a unique opportunity to walk from Reshayda to Bani Naim on Saturday 19th of December,

Bani Naim awaits you!