Three Palestinian detainees continue their open-ended hunger strikes, staged in differing duration, according to a report released by the PLO’s Committee of Detainees and Ex-Detainees, on Sunday.The prisoner, Kifah Hattab, from Tulkarem, sentenced twice to life imprisonment since 2003, continued his open-ended hunger strike since the 25th of last November, demanding Israeli authorities to deal with him as a prisoner of war.

Hattab refused to comply with Israeli Prison Service (IPS) measures and laws, the report said, according to Al Ray Palestinian Media Agency.

Additionally, Hattab has also refused to wear the prison’s uniform, and to stand for the daily counting.

Hattab, who currently languishes at Al-Afoula prison clinic for his deteriorated health condition, called Israel to recognize him as a war prisoner according to the Geneva Conventions.

The two other prisoners who continue striking are Muhammad Al-Qeeq, since November 24th, and Abdallah Abu Jaber, since Novemeber 8th.

See: Hunger Striking Journalist Muhammad Al-Qeeq Enters Coma