Chinese President Xi Jinping said, Thursday, that the Palestinian cause shouldn’t be marginalized and that Palestinian rights must be given back in order to guarantee calm and security in the region.Jinping delivered a speech at the Arab League headquarters, in Cairo, amid the presence of Secretary-General Nabil Elaraby, during which Jinping called on the international community to support the peace process and establish a viable Palestinian state within the 1967 borders with East Jerusalem as its capital.

He reaffirmed, according to WAFA, his country’s commitment to enhance ties with Arab countries on the political, economic and cultural level as well as efforts to counter terrorism and extreme groups.

Elaraby said the challenges and dangerous crisis facing the region prompt Arab countries to look forward China’s support concerning the Palestinian cause, which is considered the central cause for Arab countries.

The Arab League, represented by Elaraby, expressed appreciation for China’s firm stance in supporting the Palestinian cause and hoped to see more regional and international efforts to end the Israeli occupation and establish a Palestinian state.

The Chinese government invaded the country of Tibet in 1950. An uprising began on March 10, 1959, when a revolt erupted in Lhasa, the capital of Tibet, which had been under the effective control of the Communist Party of China, since the Seventeen Point Agreement of 1951.

By 1957, the People’s Liberation Army reprisals against Khampa resistance fighters became increasingly brutal, with increasing reports of beatings, starving prisoners, and the rape of prisoners’ wives in front of them until they confessed to their betrayal of the Chinese government. Monks and nuns were forced to have sex with each other and forcibly renounce their celibacy vows. After torture, these men and women were often killed.

The 14th Dalai Lama fled the country in 1959, and currently resides in Dharamshala, India. Tibetan dissidents continue to suffer countless human rights abuses, with reports of self-immolation surfacing in steady numbers.