The following is a list of names of all Palestinians shot and killed by Israeli fire in the occupied West Bank, including Jerusalem, and the Gaza Strip, including one in the Negev, in the period between October 1st, 2015 and January 25th, 2016, as confirmed by the Palestinian Health Ministry.
1. Mohannad Halabi, 19, al-Biereh – Ramallah. Shot after allegedly grabbing gun and killing two Israelis. 10/3

2. Fadi Alloun, 19, Jerusalem. Israeli claim of ‘attack’ contradicted by eyewitnesses and video. 10/4

3. Amjad Hatem al-Jundi, 17, Hebron.

4. Thaer Abu Ghazala, 19, Jerusalem.

5. Abdul-Rahma Obeidallah, 11, Bethlehem.

6. Hotheifa Suleiman, 18, Tulkarem.

7. Wisam Jamal Faraj, 20, Jerusalem. Shot by an exploding bullet during protest. 10/8

8. Fares Mohammad al-Ja’bari, 19, Hebron. Killed near Kiryat Arba settlement, Israeli army claimed that Al Ja’bari tried to stab a soldier and take control of his gun. Palestinian eyewitness assured media that the youth carried no knife.

9. Ahmad Jamal Salah, 20, Jerusalem.

10. Ishaq Badran, 19, Jerusalem. Israeli claim of ‘attack’ contradicted by eyewitnesses. 10/10

11. Mohammad Said Ali, 19, Jerusalem.

12. Ibrahim Ahmad Mustafa Awad, 28, Hebron. Shot at protest by rubber-coated steel bullet in his forehead. 10/11

13. Ahmad Abdullah Sharaka, 13, Al JalazoneRefugee camp-Ramallah.

14. Mostafa Al Khateeb, 18, Sur-Baher – Jerusalem.

15. Hassan Khalid Manassra, 15, Jerusalem.

16. Mohammad Nathmie Shamasna, 22, Qotna – Jerusalem. 10/12

17. Baha’ Elian, 22, Jabal Al Mokaber-Jerusalem. Allegedly killed 3 Israelis on bus. 10/13

18. Mutaz Ibrahim Zawahra, 27, Bethlehem. Hit with a live bullet in the chest during a demonstration.

19. Ala’ Abu Jammal, 33, Jerusalem. Shot after stabbing and killing Israeli Rabbi in West Jerusalem. 10/13

20. Bassem Bassam Sidr, 17, Hebron. Killed in Jerusalem after Israeli shouted that he ‘had a knife’ – but no knife was present. 10/14

21. Ahmad Abu Sh’aban, 23, Jerusalem. 10/14

22. Riyadh Ibraheem Dar-Yousif, 46, Al Janyia village Ramallah (Killed while harvesting olives)

23. Fadi Al-Darbi , 30, Jenin – died in Israeli detention camp. 10/14

24. Eyad Khalil Al Awawdah, Hebron.

25. Ihab Hannani, 19, Nablus.

26. Fadel al-Qawasmi, 18, Hebron. Shot by paramilitary settler, Israeli soldier caught on film planting knife near his body.

27. Mo’taz Ahmad ‘Oweisat, 16, Jerusalem. Military claimed he ‘had a knife’. 10/17

28. Bayan Abdul-Wahab al-‘Oseyli, 16, Hebron. Military claimed she ‘had a knife’, but video evidence contradicts that claim. 10/17

29. Tariq Ziad an-Natsha, 22, Hebron. 10/17

30. Omar Mohammad al-Faqeeh, 22, Qalandia. Military claimed he ‘had a knife’. 10/17

31. Mohannad al-‘Oqabi, 21, Negev. Allegedly killed soldier in bus station in Beer Sheba.

32. Hoda Mohammad Darweesh, 65, Jerusalem.

33. Hamza Mousa Al Amllah, 25, from Hebron, killed near Gush Etzion settlement. 10/20

34. Odai Hashem al-Masalma, 24, Beit ‘Awwa town near Hebron. 10/20

35. Hussam Isma’el Al Ja’bari, 18, Hebron. 10/21

36. Bashaar Nidal Al Ja’bari, 15, Hebron.

37. Hashem al-‘Azza, 54, Hebron. Died of tear gas inhalation. 10/21

38. Moa’taz Attalah Qassem, 22, Eezariyya town near Jerusalem. 10/21

39. Mahmoud Khalid Eghneimat, 20, Hebron.

40. Ahmad Mohammad Said Kamil, 16, Jenin. 10/23

41. Dania Jihad Irshied, 17, Hebron. 10/25

42. Sa’id Mohamed Yousif Al-Atrash, 20, Hebron.

43. Raed Sakit Abed Al Raheem Thalji Jaradat, 22, Sa’ir – Hebron.

44. Eyad Rouhi Ihjazi Jaradat, 19, Sa’er – Hebron.

45. Ezzeddin Nadi Sha’ban Abu Shakhdam, 17, Hebron. Shot by Israeli military after allegedly wounding soldier, then left to bleed to death.

46. Shadi Nabil Dweik, 22, Hebron. Shot by Israeli military after allegedly wounding the same soldier, then left to bleed to death.

47. Homam Adnan Sa’id, 23, Tal Romeida, Hebron. Shot by Israeli soldiers claiming ‘he had a knife’, but eyewitnesses report seeing soldiers throwing a knife next to his dead body. 10/27

48. Islam Rafiq Obeid, 23, Tal Romeida, Hebron. 10/28

49. Nadim Eshqeirat, 52, Jerusalem. 10/29 – Died when Israeli soldiers delayed his ambulance.

50. Mahdi Mohammad Ramadan al-Mohtasib, 23, Hebron. 10/29

51. Farouq Abdul-Qader Seder, 19, Hebron. 10/29

52. Qassem Saba’na, 20, shot on motorcycle near Zaatara checkpoint. 10/30

53. Ahmad Hamada Qneibi, 23, Jerusalem. Soldiers claimed ‘he had a knife’.

54. Ramadan Mohammad Faisal Thawabta, 8 month old baby, Bethlehem. Died of tear gas inhalation.

55. Mahmoud Talal Abdul-Karim Nazzal, 18, al-Jalama checkpoint near Jenin. Israeli troops claim ‘he had a knife’, but eyewitnesses contradict that claim. 10/31

56. Fadi Hassan al-Froukh, 27. Beit Einoun, east of Hebron. 11/1.

57. Ahmad Awad Abu ar-Rob, 16, Jenin.

58. Samir Ibrahim Skafi, 23, Hebron. Shot by Israeli soldiers after his car hit a soldier who was on the street – it is unknown if he hit the soldier intentionally or accidentally. 11/4

59. Malek Talal Sharif, 25, Hebron, shot dead after the army claimed he attempted to stab a settler. 11/5

60. Tharwat Ibrahim Salman Sha’rawi, 73, shot dead by the army in Hebron.

61. Salman Aqel Mohammad Shahin, 22, Nablus.

62. Rasha Ahmad Hamed ‘Oweissi, 24. Qalqilia. Carried suicide note and knife, but did not attempt to attack anyone.

63. Mohammad Abed Nimir, 37, Jerusalem.

64. Sadeq Ziyad Gharbiyya, 16, Jenin.

65. Abdullah Azzam Shalalda, 26, Hebron.

66. Mahmoud Mohammad Issa Shalalda, 22, Sa’ir, Hebron.

67. Hasan Jihad al-Baw, 22, Halhoul, Hebron.

68. Lafi Yousef Awad, 22, Budrus, Ramallah.

69. Laith Ashraf Manasra, 25, Qalandia

70. Ahmad Sobhi Abu al-‘Aish, 30, Qalandia.

71. Mohammad Monir Hasan Saleh, 24, Aroura – Ramallah.

72. Shadi Zohdi Arafa, 28, Hebron.

73. Mahmoud Sa’id ‘Oleyyan, 22, Ramallah.

74. Ashraqat Taha Qatanany, 16, Nablus. Rammed by car & shot under questionable claim that ‘she had a knife’.

75.Shadi Mohammad Mahmoud Khseib from al-Bireh. Shot by Israeli settler after car accident.
76.Issa Thawabta, 34, Gush Etzion. Shot after allegedly stabbing Israeli. 11/22
76. Hadeel Wajeeh ‘Awwad, 16, Jerusalem. Shot to death after allegedly stabbing and wounding elderly Palestinian man. 11/23
77. Ahmad Jamal Taha, 16, Ramallah. Shot to death after allegedly stabbing an Israeli settler at a gas station. 11/23

78. Alaa Khalil Sabah Hashah, 16, Huwwara checkpoint, Nablus. Shot to death with more than 10 bullets, Israeli troops claimed ‘he had a knife’ but eyewitnesses contradicted that claim. 11/23
79. Mohammad Ismael Shobaki, 19, south of Hebron. Shot multiple times after allegedly stabbing an Israeli soldier. 11/25
80. Ibrahim Abdul-Halim Daoud, 16, died of wounds sustained two weeks earlier when he was shot in the heart by Israeli soldiers while at a protest. 11/25
81. Yahya Yosri Taha, 21, Qotna, near Ramallah. Shot by live rounds from Israeli forces at demonstration. 11/26
82. Samer Hasan Seriesi, 51, Za’atara checkpoint. Shot by Israeli soldiers and left to bleed to death as Israeli medics joked and laughed nearby. 11/26

83. Mahmoud al-Jawabreh, 19, al-Aroub refugee camp. Killed by Israeli forces during a protest. 11/26

84. Fadi Mohammad Mahmoud Khseib, 25, Jerusalem. Killed by armed paramilitary settler after car accident.

85. Omar Arafat Za’aqeeq, Beit Ummar, killed by Israeli soldiers after car accident. 11/27

86. Baseem Abdul-Rahman Mustafa Salah, 38, killed by Israeli police after allegedly stabbing and wounding Israeli police officer. 11/29

87. Ayman Samih al-‘Abbasi, 17, from Silwan village, killed when he was participating in a demonstration organized in Ras al-‘Amoud neighbourhood. 11/29

88. Ma’moun al-Khatib, 16, from al-Dohah village, west of Bethlehem. Killed after alleged stabbing attempt. 12/1

89. Maram Hasounah, 20, from Nablus who arrived at a checkpoint holding an axe and hitting the watchtower with it. Shot by multiple soldiers and killed. 12/1

90. Mazin Hasan Ureiba, 37, Palestinian police officer from Abu Dis, killed near Hizma checkpoint after allegedly shooting and wounding Israeli soldier. 12/3

91. ‘Ezz al-Deen Rayeq ‘Abdullah Raddad, 21, shot and killed in al-Masrara area of Jerusalem after allegedly stabbing an Israeli police officer. 12/3

92. Taher Faisal Abdul Men’em Fanoun, 21, killed at checkpoint near Hebron. 12/3

93. Mostafa Fadel Abdul Men’em Fanoun, 16, killed at checkpoint near Hebron in same incident (cousin of Taher). 12/3

94. Abdul Rahman Wajih Ibrahim Abdul Majid, 27. Killed at entrance to Aboud village when he pushed back against a soldier who had slapped him in the face. He was shot multiple times by three soldiers. 12/3

95. Anas Bassam Abdul Rahim Hammad, 21. Killed near Silwan village after car accident in which the vehicle he was driving struck Israeli soldiers.

96. ‘Amer Yaser Iskafi, killed by numerous gunshots by Israeli soldiers north of Jerusalem.

97. Ehab Fathi Miswada, 21, Hebron. Shot to death after allegedly stabbing and wounding Israeli man. Was left to bleed to death by Israeli medical crews. 12/7

98. Malek Shahin, 18, Deheishe camp in Bethlehem. Shot in the head with exploding bullet during demonstration against invading Israeli forces.

99. Abdul Rahman Yosri Zakaria Miswada, 21, killed near center of Hebron after allegedly wounding Israeli. 12/9

100. Omar ‘Issa Hroub, 56, from Deir Samit village, southwest of Hebron. Killed while driving his car on Sa’ir road. 12/11

101. ‘Oday Irshaid, 24, from al-Salam Street in Hebron. Hit by two bullets from to his chest and neck while participating in a protest (his younger sister Dania was killed on 10/25). 12/11

102. Ahmad Jahahja, 21, killed in Qalandia 12/11

103. Hekmat Hamdan, also killed in Qalandia 12/11

104. Samah ‘Abdel Mo’men ‘Abdullah, 18, from Amoriah village, southeast of Nablus, succumbed of wounds sustained on 23 November at Huwwara checkpoint, when she was shot with a bullet to the head. 12/16

105. Abdullah Hussein Ahmad Nasasra, 15, from Beit Forik town, east of Nablus. 12/17

106. Mohammad Abdul-Rahman Ayyad, 21, shot while driving his car near Silwad. 12/18

107. Nash’at ‘Asfour, 33 – shot by an exploding bullet during Israeli military invasion of his village, Sinjel. 12/18

108. Issa Assaf, 21 – shot after allegedly stabbing and killing Israeli man near Damascus Gate in Jerusalem. 12/23

109. Anan Abu Habsa, 20 – shot during the same incident, after allegedly stabbing and killing Israeli man near Damascus Gate in Jerusalem. 12/23

110. Wisam Abu Ghweila, shot by more than 30 bullets after a car accident. 12/24

111. Eyad Jamal Ed’eis, 26, killed during an Israeli invasion of Hebron. 12/24

112. Mohammad Abdul-Halim Zahran, 22, killed after allegedly stabbing and lightly wounding two security guards at an Israeli settlement. 12/24

113. Bilal Zayed, 22. Shot in the head during Israeli invasion of Qalandia refugee camp. 12/24

114. Mahdiyya Mohammad Ibrahim Hammad, 38, mother of four shot near Silwad when Israeli troops claimed ‘she tried to ram them’ with her car – even though she was 30 meters away. 12/25

115. Mos’ab al-Ghazali, 26 – killed in Jerusalem after Israeli claim of ‘attempted stabbing’ 12/26

116. Maher al-Jabi, 54, Shot by Israeli soldiers while driving near Huwwara 12/26.

117. Mohammad Saba’ana, 23. Shot to death on the main road to Nablus, near Huwwara checkpoint. Israeli troops claimed he ‘had a knife’. 12/27

118. Nour al-Deen Saba’ana, 17, Shot to death on the main road to Nablus, near Huwwara checkpoint in same incident. From Qabatya village, southeast of Jenin. 12/27

119. Hassan Ali Hassan Bozor, 22. Killed at Huwwara checkpoint by Israeli soldiers while driving his car. 12/31

120. Shadi Ghbeish, 38. Died of wounds sustained several weeks prior when Israeli soldiers beat him severely at al-Jalazonerefugee camp, north of Ramallah.

121. Ahmad Kawazbah, 18, from Sa’ir village, east of Hebron. Shot with multiple rounds near Etzion settlement bloc after alleged attempt to stab soldier. 1/5/16

122. Ahmed Salem Abdul Majid Kawazbah, 19, from Sa’ir village, killed near Gush Etzion. 1/7

123. Alaa Abed Mohammad Kawazbah, 19,from Sa’ir village, killed near Gush Etzion in same incident.

124. Mohammad Zeyad Kawazbah, 18, from Sa’ir village, killed near Gush Etzion in same incident (all three were relatives).

125. Khalil Mohammad Shalaldah, 16, killed at Beit Eynoun checkpoint, east of Hebron – brother of Mahmoud Mohammad Shalalda , who was killed by the Israeli army on November 13, 2015. 1/7

126. Ali Abu Mariam (Ali Mohammad Hajj Mohammad), 26 from al-Jadeeda village near Jenin, a third year student at al-Quds Open University, killed at al-Hamrah checkpoint, southeast of Tubas, when Israeli soldiers were searching cars and made a claim of an ‘attempt to stab’ them, but provided no evidence of that claim. 1/9

127. Sa’id Jawdat Abu al-Wafa, 38, from al-Zawiya village, south of Jenin, killed in same incident at al-Hamrah checkpoint. 1/9

128. Srour Ahmad Ibrahim Abu Srour, 19, a student at al-Quds Open University, from Ayda refugee camp, north of Bethlehem. Killed in clashes in Beit Jala while returning home from university. 1/12

129. Adnan Ayed Hamed al-Halayqa, 17, from al-Shyoukh village, east of Hebron, killed at Beit Eynoun checkpoint east of Hebron – Israel claims ‘attempted stabbing’ of soldier but no soldier was injured. 1/12

130. Mohammad Ahmad Kawazbah, 23, from Sa’ir village, killed in same incident at Beit Eynoun checkpoint. 1/12

131. Haitham Mahmoud Abdul-Jaleel Yassin, 36, Aseera ash-Shemaliyya town, Nablus. 1/14

132. Moayyad Awni Jabarin, 20, Sa’ir, Hebron. 1/14

133. Wisam Marwan Qasrawi, 21, from Masliya village, southeast of Jenin. Qasarwah stepped out of a taxi after crossing a checkpoint, allegedly threw a knife at the Israeli soldiers from a far distance, but it did not hit anybody. As a result, Israeli soldiers stationed in the watchtower established at the checkpoint shot him dead with 10 bullets. 1/16

134. Khalil Mousa Amar, 19. Killed in ‘ramming attack’ by settler while he was riding his bike. 1/18

135. Roqayya Eid Abu Eid, 13. Killed by an armed guard of Anatot Israeli colony. 1/24

136. Mohammad Nabil Halabiyya, 16. Killed near Abu Dis when an explosive he was carrying detonated prematurely. 1/24

Gaza Strip:

137. Shadi Hussam Doula, 20. 10/10

138. Ahmad Abdul-Rahman al-Harbawi, 20. 10/10

139. Abed al-Wahidi, 20. 10/10

140. Mohammad Hisham al-Roqab, 15. 10/10

141. Adnan Mousa Abu ‘Oleyyan, 22. 10/10

142. Ziad Nabil Sharaf, 20. 10/10

143. Jihad Zayed Salem Obeid, 22. Deir al-Balah. 10/10

144. Marwan Hisham Barbakh, 13. 10/10

144. Khalil Omar Othman, 15. 10/10

146. Nour Rasmie Hassan, 30. Killed along with her child in an Israeli airstrike. 10/11

147. Rahaf Yahya Hassan, two years old. Killed along with her mother in an Israeli airstrike. 10/11

148. Yahya Abdel-Qader Farahat, 23. Killed during protest at the border with Israel. 10/16

149. Shawqie Jamal Jaber Obeid, 37. Died of wounds sustained the previous week during protest. 10/16

150. Mahmoud Hatem Hameeda, 22. Northern Gaza, killed during protest at border. 10/16

151. Ahmad al-Sarhi, 27, al-Boreij. 10/20

152. Yihya Hashem Kreira, 20. Died of wounds sustained the previous week during protest at Nahal Oz. 10/23

153. Khalil Hassan Abu Obeid, 25. Khan Younis. Died from wounds sustained in protest earlier in the week. 10/24

154. Salama Mousa Abu Jame’, 23, Khan Younis.

155. Sami Shawqi Madhi, 41, killed during protest at al-Bureij camp. 12/11

156. Mahmoud Mohammad al-‘Agha, 20, killed during protest in Khan Younis. 12/18

157. Hani Rafiq Wahdan, 22, al-Shejaiyya, eastern Gaza, killed by Israeli forces during protest. 12/25

158. Abdul-Rahman al-Mobasher – died in tunnel collapse in Gaza. 12/28

159. Yousef Abu Sbeikha al-Boheiri, 48 – al-Boreij Camp – died after Israeli forces shot him two days before, while he was working on his farmland. 12/28

160. Mousa Z’eiter, 23, Jabalia refugee camp, northern Gaza. 1/13

161. Mohammad Abu Zayed, 19, killed during Israeli invasion of al-Boreij refugee camp in Gaza. 1/15

162. Mohammad Majdi Qaita, 26, killed in Khan Younis during protest in which Palestinians tried to dismantle part of the Israeli Wall. 1/15

Non-Palestinian killed by Israeli mob:
Eritrean asylum-seeker Haftom Zarhum killed in Beer Sheva bus station by angry mob who mistook him for a Palestinian- 10/18

Names of known Israeli casualties during the same time period:

1 & 2. 10/1 – Eitam and Na’ama Henkin, both aged around 30 years old, killed in drive-by shooting near Itamar settlement.
3. 10/3 – Nahmia Lavi, 41 – Rabbi for Israeli military. Killed in Jerusalem stabbing attack near Lion’s Gate when he tried to shoot the attacker but had his weapon taken.
4. 10/3 – Aaron Bennet, 24. Killed in Jerusalem stabbing attack near Lion’s Gate.
5. 10/13 – Rabbi Yeshayahu Krishevsky, 60. Stabbed on street in West Jerusalem.
6. 10/13 – Haviv Haim, 78, bus shooting in Jerusalem
7. 10/13 – Alon Andrei Govberg, 51, same bus shooting in Jerusalem.
8. 10/13 – Richard Lakin, 76, same bus shooting in East Jerusalem (died of wounds several days after the attack)
9. 10/18 – Omri Levy, 19, Israeli soldier with the Golani Brigade, had his weapon grabbed and turned against him by an Israeli resident.
10. 11/13 – Rabbi Yaakov Litman, killed in shooting attack on car south of Hebron.
11. 11/13 – Litman’s son Netanel, 19, killed in shooting attack on car south of Hebron.
12. 11/19 – Reuven Aviram, 51, killed in stabbing attack in Tel Aviv.
13. 11/19 – Rabbi Aharon Yesayev, 32 killed in stabbing attack in Tel Aviv.
14. 11/19 – Yaakov Don, 49, killed in shooting attack near the settlement of Alon Shvut.
15. 11/19 – Ezra Schwartz, 18, a U.S. national, killed in shooting attack near the settlement of Alon Shvut.
16. 11/19 – Shadi Arafa, 24, of Hebron, killed in shooting attack near the settlement of Alon Shvut.
17. 11/23 Hadar Buchris, 21, killed in stabbing attack near Gush Etzion settlement

18. 11/23 Ziv Mizrahi, 18, Soldier. Killed at gas station near illegal West Bank settlement.
19. 12/23 Mordechai Birmacher, stabbed to death near Damascus Gate.

An additional 2 Israelis that were initially claimed to have been killed in attacks were actually killed in car accidents.

Also, during the police intervention in the 12/23 stabbing near Damascus Gate, Ofer Ben-Ari, 46, was accidentally shot and killed by Israeli police.