Israeli soldiers invaded, on Sunday evening, the town of Silwad, east of the central West Bank city of Ramallah, detained a child for several hours and repeatedly struck and beat him, causing various injuries.Resident Ahmad al-Kharraz said the soldiers abducted his brother, Soheib, only 13 years of age, for several hours, and that they repeatedly assaulted and beat him while interrogating him.

He added that the soldiers stopped his brother near the town’s western entrance, and placed him in their military vehicle, before driving away.

The child was also repeatedly beaten in the military vehicle, before the soldiers released him near Tormus Ayya village, north of Ramallah.

Palestinian residents of Tormus Ayya saw the child, who suffered various cuts and bruises, and called for an ambulance that took him to a local emergency center.

On Sunday at dawn, the army kidnapped a child, identified as Hamza Hammad, 15, in Silwad, and took him to a military base. Hamza is the son of Moayyad Hammad, who is serving seven life terms in an Israeli prison.