Nicholai Mladinov, the United Nations Special Coordinator for Middle East Peace Process, denounced earlier on Friday the Israeli military execution of a young Palestinian man, after the soldiers already shot and seriously wounded him, in the southern West Bank city of Hebron.Mladinov said the conduct of the Israeli army constitutes an extra-judicial execution, especially since the slain Palestinian, Abdul-Fattah Sharif, 21, was already incapacitated due to his very serious injury, when the soldier decided to shoot him in the head.

The execution was caught on tape by Emad Abu Shamsiyya, a resident of Tal Romeida neighborhood of Hebron city, and was published by the Israeli Information Center for Human Rights in the Occupied Territories (B’Tselem).

Soldier Executes A Wounded Palestinian

Warning! Graphic Content – Viewer Discretion Advised Israeli Soldier Executes A Wounded Palestinian In Hebron

Posted by Imemc News on Thursday, March 24, 2016

‘I strongly condemn the extra-judicial execution of the young Palestinian man in Hebron.’ Mladinov said in a statement released by his office, ‘This is an immoral crime, an act that will just lead to further violence and escalation in the already volatile region.’

He called on Israel to conduct a serious investigation into the crime, and prosecute the murderer, and added that “the time has come to end this cycle of violence, and initiate positive steps that would lead to ending the Israeli occupation, and achieving the long-awaited peace.”

On Thursday at night, Mladinov said during a Security Council meeting to discuss the situation in the Middle East, that world leaders and countries must provide the positive atmosphere for the resumption of direct Palestinian-Israeli peace talks, and end the deadly escalation.

‘Israel needs to understand that building more walls, restrictions on movement, collective punishment and the destruction of property, will just lead to more anger and more violence,’ he added, ‘The people are angered by the ongoing humiliation, discrimination and collective punishment.’