Five-year-old sole survivor of an arson attack in the village of Douma, in the occupied West Bank district of Nablus, last year, Ahmad Dawabsha, was taken to Israel’s Tel Hashomer hospital Wednesday night, after his health deteriorated.

Naser Dawabsha, a member of the family, told Ma’an News Agency that the “child’s health has severely deteriorated,” adding that Ahmad has suffered from “constant vomiting and an increase in body temperature.”
Naser said that medical tests were done on Ahmad and he would remain in the hospital until his health condition stabilized.

Ahmad was officially released from the hospital last month, returning for weekly checkups and additional surgeries expected, over the coming months, most of them plastic surgeries to help reconstruct parts of his body and face which were severely burned in the attack.

The young boy was severely injured in the high-profile attack which took place in the town of Douma, in the Nablus district, in July of 2015. He has undergone a series of complex surgeries since.

Two Israelis were indicted for murder for the arson in January, five months after suspects belonging to a Jewish terror organization set the home of the Dawabsha family ablaze, burning 18-month-old Ali to death.

The infant’s parents, Riham and Saad, later died from severe burns, leaving then four-year-old Ahmad Dawabsha the only surviving member of the family.

According to rights group Yesh Din, over 85 percent of investigations into violence committed by Israeli settlers against Palestinians are closed without indictments and only 1.9 percent of complaints submitted by Palestinians against Israeli settler attacks result in a conviction.

Attacks by settlers are often carried out under the armed protection of Israeli forces, who rarely make efforts to protect Palestinians from such attacks.

An upwards of 500,000 Israelis live in Jewish-only settlements across occupied East Jerusalem and the West Bank in violation of international law, with recent announcements of settlement expansion provoking condemnation from the international community.

According to the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, there were a total of 221 reported settler attacks against Palestinians and their properties in the West Bank and occupied East Jerusalem in 2015.

07/31/16 Sunday Marks One Year Anniversary of Dawabsha Attack