Israeli occupation forces delivered, on Sunday, demolition notices to 15 Palestinian-owned homes in Yatma town, south of the northern West Bank city of Nablus.

Monitoring settlements in the area, local activist, Ghassan Daghlas told Palestinian WAFA News Agency that the occupation army handed out demolition orders to 15 Palestinian families under the standard pretext of not having permission to build.

In related news, the Israeli authorities, on Sunday, expropriated 19 dunams of Palestinian land from Azzun Atma village, south of Qalqilia in the northern occupied West Bank, Quds News Network reported.

Sources added that the village lands have been confiscated for the illegal expansion of the nearby Oranit colony.

In the same context, the Israeli army uprooted and confiscated nearly 1000 seedlings, which the Palestinian Ministry of Agriculture had recently replanted, in the Einoun area, east of Tubas in the northern West Bank.