Israeli soldiers abducted, on Monday at dawn, nine Palestinians, including three children, from the West Bank governorates of Ramallah, Bethlehem, Jenin, and Nablus, after the army invaded and ransacked many homes, the Palestinian Prisoners’ Society (PPS) has reported.

The Ramallah office of the PPS, in central West Bank, said the soldiers stormed and violently searched homes in Deir Nitham village, and Surda town, north and northeast of Ramallah, before abducting four young men.

The PPS identified the abducted Palestinians as Ahmad Faraj Tamimi, Abdul-Rahman Mohammad Tamimi, Abu Saleh Tamimi, from Deir Nitham, in addition to Qussai Ala al-Bazzaz, from Surda town.

The soldiers also invaded ‘Aida refugee camp, north of Bethlehem, south of the occupied Palestinian capital, Jerusalem in the West Bank, and abducted Tareq Mohammad Abu Srour, 23, from his home.

In addition, the soldiers invaded and ransacked many homes in the al-‘Arqa village, west of the northern West Bank city of Jenin, before abducting three children, identified as Mahdi Ali Saleh Yahia, 15, Odai Tamim Saleh Yahia, 15, and Shokri Hasan Jamal Lutfi, 15.

Furthermore, the soldiers invaded Qabatia town, south of Jenin, searched homes, and abducted Mazen Abu ar-Rob, 21.

In Nablus, also in northern West Bank, the soldiers abducted Hatem Dweikat, 21, after invading and violently searching his home in Balata al-Balad, east of the city.

The soldiers also invaded and searched the homes of Wa’el Hashash and Hasan Kassab, in the town.