On Friday, Israeli soldiers attacked the weekly procession in Kufur Qaddoum town, east of the northern West Bank city of Qalqilia, injured two with rubber-coated steel bullets, and caused dozens to suffer the effects of tear gas inhalation.

Morad Eshteiwi, the media spokesperson on Qalqilia, said several army jeeps invaded Kufur Qaddoum just as the Palestinians started gathering before the procession and fired many live rounds at them.

He added that several young men burnt tires and hurled stones at the invading soldiers who fired more live rounds, rubber-coated steel bullets, and gas bombs.

The Palestinian Red Crescent Society (PRCS) said the soldiers shot two young men with rubber-coated steel bullets and caused dozens to suffer the effects of tear gas inhalation.

The procession in Kufur Qaddoum started in front of Omar Bin al-Khattab Mosque, and was attended by dozens of Palestinians, who chanted against the ongoing Israeli occupation and escalation, and for the release of the Palestinian detainees in Israeli prisons, detention camps, and interrogation facilities.

This week’s procession also comes in support of the Palestinians in the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood, in the occupied capital, Jerusalem, facing serious Israeli violations and escalation by the soldiers and the illegal colonialist settlers, including the constant attempt to displace them.

The Palestinians have been holding weekly processions for the last eighteen years, demanding the army to reopen the village’s main road the soldiers blockaded to allow easy access to the illegal colonizers, driving to and from Kedumim illegal colony, built on stolen Palestinian lands.