Israeli soldiers injured, Sunday, at least twelve Palestinians in Beita village, south of Nablus, in the northern part of the occupied West Bank.

Media sources in Nablus said more than ten army jeeps invaded the village from several directions, after surrounding and isolating it.

The soldiers fired dozens of gas bombs, and rubber-coated steel bullets, at local youngsters who hurled stones at the invading army jeeps.

Medical sources said at least twelve Palestinians were injured and received the needed treatment.

Fuad Maali, the Mayor of Beita, said the soldiers closed Beita Junction with sand hills, after alleging that local youngsters hurled a Molotov cocktail at a car driven by a colonist settler, living in a nearby illegal colony, built on Palestinian lands.

“Israel is now restricting the movement of 15000 Palestinians in the village,” he added.

In related news, the soldiers isolated Hizma town, east of occupied Jerusalem, and distributed leaflets warning further restrictions “should local youths continue to hurl stones at army vehicles and settlers’ cars.”