Israeli soldiers invaded, Tuesday, the al-Walaja village, northwest of Bethlehem south of occupied Jerusalem in the West Bank, and handed the Palestinians four demolition orders targeting their homes.

Local nonviolent activist Ibrahim Awadallah said the soldiers invaded the Smei’ area in Ein Jweiza, northwest of al-Walaja, and handed the home demolition orders to four siblings from the Abu at-Teen family, identified as Hussein, Mohammad, Tareq, and Ahmad Nassr Abu at-Teen.

Ein Jweiza has been subject to escalating Israeli violations, including illegal colonialist plans to confiscate more Palestinian lands, and has already led to the demolition of dozens of homes and structures, in addition to outstanding demolition or halt construction orders.

In related news, the soldiers demolished a shop, and injured at least sixteen Palestinians in the al-Bustan neighborhood in Silwan town, in the occupied Palestinian capital, Jerusalem. The building is among seventeen structures and homes threatened with demolition in Silwan.