Israeli soldiers kidnapped, on Sunday at dawn, five Palestinians, including three children, in different parts of occupied East Jerusalem, and caused several Palestinians to suffer the effects of teargas inhalation in Silwan. The army also kidnapped two Palestinians in Nablus, and two in Hebron.

The Wadi Hilweh Information Center in Silwan (Silwanic) said the soldiers invaded and searched homes in Shu’fat neighborhood, north of Jerusalem, and kidnapped two children, identified as Majd Sa’id Abu Khdeir and ‘Ala Abu Khdeir.

Amjad Abu ‘Assab, the head of the Jerusalem Detainees’ Committee, said the soldiers also invaded homes in Bab Hatta area, in the Old City, and kidnapped a young man, identified as Amjad Abu Sneina.

Abu ‘Assab added that the soldiers also invaded the at-Tour village, kidnapped a child, identified as Mohammad Rabay’a, and a young man identified as Mahmoud Shaweesh.

In addition, the army summoned Ezz Barbar, 46, for interrogation at the al-Maskobiyya detention and interrogation center.

Barbar, from Silwan, is a former political prisoner who spent nine consecutive years in Israeli prisons and detention centers.

Furthermore, soldiers and tax authority employees invaded several neighborhoods in the al-‘Isawiyya town, in Jerusalem.

On Sunday at dawn, the soldiers invaded the northern West Bank city of Nablus, searched homes and kidnapped two Palestinians, identified as Amjad Qa’dan and Nasr Qadous.

On Sunday morning, the army kidnapped two school students near the Ibrahimi Mosque, in the center of Hebron city, in the southern part of the West Bank.

The soldiers stopped and searched the two students, at a military roadblock, and claimed to locate a knife in one of their bags.

On Saturday at night, the soldiers invaded the at-Tour area, in Jerusalem, and clashes with many locals, who hurled stones and empty bottles at the army vehicles, while the soldiers fired several live rounds and rubber-coated steel bullets.

In Silwan town, the army invaded the al-Louza neighborhood, and fired dozens of gas bombs, causing many Palestinians to suffer the effects of teargas inhalation.

The army claimed the invasion was carried out after a number of Palestinians hurled stones on settlers’ cars.

Related: “Israeli Soldiers Kidnap Two Siblings In Hebron, Renew Order Keeping Family Home Closed