Israeli forces shot a volunteer paramedic, on Friday, and injured citizens near the southern West Bank city of Hebron, in addition to injuring many others near Nablus in the northern West Bank.

On Friday afternoon, occupation forces invaded the Al-Fawwar refugee camp, southwest of Hebron in the southern West Bank, sparking protests among Palestinian youths.

Media sources said that Israeli troops stormed the center of the camp, deployed sharpshooters on the rooftops of citizens’ homes, and opened fire with rubber-coated steel rounds, tear gas canisters, and concussion grenades at citizens and their homes.

Soldiers shot a volunteer paramedic with the Medical Relief Service, in the foot with a rubber-coated steel round; he was transported to a medical center in the camp for treatment, while several citizens suffered the toxic effects of tear gas inhalation.

In the northern West Bank, occupation forces invaded the village of ‘Asira al-Qibliya, southwest of Nablus, on Friday evening, leading to protests.

According to Hafez Saleh, the head of the Village Council, said that the army stormed the village, deployed around a mosque, while local Palestinians protested the incursion.

He added that the soldiers fired many live rounds and tear gas canisters, causing several citizens to sustain inhalation injuries from tear gas exposure.

In related news, Israeli forces shot a Palestinian young man in the leg with live ammunition, causing moderate wounds, during a military incursion into the city of Nablus, on Friday.