At least six Palestinians were injured with live ammunition and others suffocated by tear gas as clashes continued, along the Gaza borders, in protest of US President Donald Trump’s recognition of Jerusalem as Israeli’s capital, said sources.

Israeli army forces deployed along the eastern borders between Gaza and Israel fired live ammunition and tear gas canisters at Palestinian youth who demonstrated near the borders.

Six youth were shot and injured with live ammunition and transferred to hospitals and medical facilities for medical treatment. Their medical conditions were described as moderate. Many others suffocated after inhaling tear gas fired by the army.

Two Palestinians were killed and at least 103 others injured with live ammunition during violent clashes that broke out during protests along the Gaza borders on Friday.

WAFA further reports that a journalist and a woman, Saturday, were injured in Jerusalem as Israeli police continued to crack down on Palestinian protesters who took to the streets to protest the Trump decision.

Israeli forces used excessive force to disperse protesters who demonstrated outside Bab al-Amoud, one of the old gates in the old city of Jerusalem, against Trump’s Jerusalem declaration. A journalist and a woman were injured after being physically attacked by Israeli police forces.

A Jerusalemite activist was also detained during a similar demonstration that took place in Salah Eddin Street, in central Jerusalem.

Clashes reportedly erupted in Salah Eddin Street as Israeli police suppressed demonstrators. Tear gas canisters were used, but no injuries were reported.

A beefed-up presence of security forces has been witnessed across Jerusalem since the early morning hours as rallies continued in protest of Trump’s announcement.

In related news, Israeli media has reportedly waged a hate campaign against Palestinian journalists following false info that Mohammed Aqel, who attacked Israeli soldiers near the military checkpoint known as DCO, at the northern entrance to the city of el-Bireh near Ramallah, was a journalist.

Israeli Commentator Barrack Bat Chen Nachum wrote, in a Facebook post, that it is time to issue orders that prevent Palestinian journalists from approaching Israeli soldiers, and if that did happen, the camera of the photographer should be smashed. “We must act quickly with these animals.”

Social media activists also posted hate comments against Palestinian journalists following false news about Aqel being a journalist; one activist who was identified as Shimon Burg said: “Journalists must die, they are part of the enemy.”

Another activist, named Haim Levy, wrote: “Bastards,” referring to journalists, “we have to send them to hell.”

Eriet Shani, also an activist, pjournaliosted on her page saying, “Why do they allow people with cameras to move? Soldiers must break their cameras and keep everyone away from them.”

(PNN archive image.)

12/14/17 MADA: 26 Media Freedoms Violations during November