Illegal Israeli colonizers, on Tuesday, killed a camel and stole calves near Tulkarem in the northwestern part of the West Bank, attacked the UNRWA headquarters in occupied Jerusalem, and damaged vehicles near Hebron, in the southern West Bank.

On Tuesday evening, an illegal Israeli colonizer killed a camel and stole four calves from a Palestinian farmer in the town of Kafr al-Labad, east of Tulkarem in the northwestern part of the occupied West Bank.

Local Palestinian farmer, Moaz Samir Kayed, said that while he was grazing his livestock, an Israeli colonist from the nearby illegal “Avnei Hefetz” colony invaded the area, shot and killed one of his camels, and stole four calves.

In the northern West Bank, a group of Israeli colonizers assaulted two Palestinian young men, on Monday night, near the village of Douma, southeast of Nablus, and hurled rocks at a vehicle, causing damage.

At dawn on Tuesday, Israeli settlers hurled flammable materials and rocks at the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) headquarters in the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood, in occupied Jerusalem.

Media sources said that a group of illegal colonizers set fire to the outer square of the building, noting that this is the third such attack on the UNRWA headquarters in a week.

Meanwhile, in the southern West Bank, Israeli colonizers hurled rocks at Palestinian-owned vehicles near the “Adora” settlement, northwest of Hebron, on Tuesday afternoon.

Media sources said that dozens of illegal settlers, under the full protection of the occupation army, gathered on the bypass road and hurled rocks at Palestinian-owned vehicles, causing damage to several vehicles.

It was added that Israeli forces closed the bypass road and erected many flying military roadblocks at the entrances to the city of Hebron and the town of Idhna, northwest of the city.

Furthermore, several colonizers grazed their livestock on Palestinian-owned crops in Masafer Yatta, south of Hebron, destroying the crops.

According to Mohamed Rabi, the head of the at-Tuwani Village Council, said that several colonizers from the illegal “Mitzpe Yair” colony, established on stolen Palestinian lands in Masafer Yatta, allowed their livestock to graze on 40 dunams of agricultural crops planted with wheat, barley, and millet, causing destruction.