An Israeli court extended the remand detention of Palestinian teenager Ahed Tamimi and her mother to 6 February, family sources reported on Monday.

Israeli Ofer military court, located west of the West Bank city of Ramallah, delayed the trial on Monday that was originally scheduled to take place to tomorrow.

Tamimi, a resident of Nabi Saleh in the occupied West Bank, was arrested after a video of her and her cousin forcing Israeli occupation forces off her family’s land went viral on social media.

An Israeli occupation soldier was slapped, one day, after shooting Tamimi’s 14-year-old cousin in the head with rubber-coated steel bullets. The shot required a dangerous surgery which involved removing part of the boy’s skull, in order to take out the bullet.

Tamimi’s mother and father were subsequently taken into custody. Two of her cousins were also detained, one of whom was released pending bail.

Her detention has been extended four times. Tamimi and her mother are being charged with incitement, as well as for shoving soldiers and rock-throwing. Both will remain incarcerated until the end of the trial, and could face up to ten years in prison.

Amnesty International has launched an urgent appeal demanding the immediate release of Tamimi, whom they say has suffered aggressive interrogations, sometimes at night, while her family has also been threatened.

“Her trial before an Israeli military juvenile court is imminent, we must mobilize quickly and effectively,” the rights group said, according to Days of Palestine.

It has condemned the trial and the collective punishment imposed on other members of family, and the designation of her home as a closed military zone.

“It was clear that she [Tamimi] posed no real threat to them [the soldiers] because they easily removed her, but now she could face up to ten years in prison, which is a grossly disproportionate punishment,” the organization said.

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