On Tuesday, the Palestinian Detainee’s Committee confirmed that fifty Palestinian political prisoners in Israeli prisons and detention camps are continuing the hunger strike despite the health deterioration of a few detainees.

Hasan Abed-Rabbu, the Committee’s spokesperson, said one of the detainees, Kanaan Kanaan, started the hunger strike seventeen days earlier and suffered a serious health setback, adding that he is vomiting blood and suffering from a serious weight loss, in addition to constant fatigue and pain.

Abed Rabbu added that the detainee remains held at the Ofer Israeli prison near Ramallah after the Prison Authority refused to transfer him to a hospital.

He also said the detainee in Nafha prison decided to return their meals in solidarity with the hunger-striking detainees.

On Sunday, twenty detainees joined the hunger strike that was started by thirty detainees seventeen days earlier, rejecting the illegal and arbitrary Administrative Detention policies, holding hundreds captive without charges or trial under repeatedly renewed orders.

The detainees are also ongoing with their boycott of Israel’s military courts, describing them as mock trials and biased against them.

It is worth mentioning that the Israeli occupation authorities issued more than 9500 Administrative Detention orders since 2015, including about 1650 orders this year alone, among them 272 orders in August of this year, 2022.

The Palestinian Prisoners Society (PPS) called for massive public solidarity with the detainees, demanding an end to the illegal policies keeping them held without charges, especially the repeatedly renewed orders, causing many to spend years in prison without charges or trial.

The PPS stated that the current number of Administrative Detainees exceeded 780, including at least six children and two women. Most of them are held at the Negev Detention Camp and Ofer prison.

The PPS said that approximately %80 of the Administrative Detainees were previously abducted and imprisoned many times.