Israeli settlers, on Wednesday, resumed their provocative visits to Al-Aqsa Mosque compound in Jerusalem.

WAFA correspondence said that small groups of extremist settlers, accompanied by an Israeli police escort, broke into the site during the morning, to perform rituals.

In the meantime, Islamic Waqf guards present at the site expelled a Jewish rabbi and his grandson, after they tried to pray Talmudic prayers theirs.

The al-Aqsa Mosque compound in Jerusalem has become a flashpoint of the escalating conflict in recent months. It is the third holiest place for Muslims, and has since 1967 been the center of the ongoing Palestinian-Israeli conflict.

While it is widely known as Al-Aqsa Mosque, Jews refer to the site as the “Temple Mount” and believe it was the site of two Jewish temples destroyed in ancient times.

Also of interest: 06/12/16 Rabbi Lau: 3rd Temple Can be Built Without Destroying Al Aqsa