France condemned, on Friday, the recent Israeli decision to green-light the construction of 1,936 housing units in the West Bank illegal settlements.

The French consulate in Jerusalem said in a statement that the decision “comes at a troubling time of accelerated settlement on the West Bank,” the Palestinian News and Info Agency (WAFA) reported.

“Settlements in all forms are illegal under international law, and specifically UN Security Council Resolution 2334. They heighten tensions on the ground and undermine the conditions for a just and lasting settlement between Israelis and Palestinians, based on the two-state solution,” the statement said.

France called on the Israeli authorities to “renounce these projects and all those that undermine the two-state solution.”

Article 49 of the 4th Geneva Convention states; The occupying power [Israel] must not transfer any part of its population onto the land which it occupies [Palestine].

Image: PNN
Edited for IMEMC: Ali Salam