Illegal Israeli colonizers attacked, on Monday at dawn, many Palestinian homes, and at least one car, in Orif village, south of the northern West Bank city of Nablus, causing damage.

Ghassan Daghlas, a Palestinian official who monitors Israel’s illegal colonialist activities in the northern West Bank, said the colonizers came from the illegal Yitzhar nearby colony which was installed on stolen Palestinian lands.

Daghlas added that the homes of Ahmad Abdul-Karim Shehada, Samir Sawalma, Jamal Abdullah Shehada, and Raed Mahmoud Rabah, sustained damage, largely to their windows and doors.

He also said that the colonizers caused damage to at least one car that was parked in front of one of the homes in the village.

The colonizers also caused damage to one car near Turmus Ayya town, near Ramallah, causing severe damage and almost causing the driver, Nizar Abdul-Hamid Rawajba, to crash.

It is worth mentioning that, on Sunday, the colonizers caused damage to dozens of Palestinian cars, driving on the main Nablus-Ramallah Road, Jenin-Nablus Road, Qalqilia-Nablus roads, and various streets linking between the various villages and towns, south of Nablus.