Illegal Israeli colonizers uprooted, on Tuesday evening, at least fifty olive saplings and uprooting lands, north of Kafr ed-Deek Palestinian town, west of Salfit, in the central West Bank.

Local farmer Saleh Shonnar said the colonizers came from Alie Zahav nearby illegal colony which was built on stolen Palestinian lands and uprooted fifty olive saplings he planted in his land 4-6 years ago.

He added that the colonizers also bulldozed large areas of farmlands in Khallet al-Qameh and Iraq Soukiyya areas as part of their ongoing attempts to expand their illegal colony by stealing more of the Palestinian lands.

A few days ago, the colonizers invaded orchards in the same area, uprooted and stole more than eighty olive trees.

Shonnar also said that he was threatened by the chief security officers of the illegal colony, who said he intends to uproot all trees and saplings in the area.